Ginny Dunn: Life lessons of a Christian scholar: Things I have learned from working 40 years in cancer and palliative care

Life lessons of a Christian scholar:  Things I have learned from working 40 years in cancer and palliative care – Ginny Dunn

HT Wk 5 12/02/2018

In this reflective talk, retired Nurse and clinical specialist Ginny Dunn will speak to us about experiences of caring for cancer patients, and their families, from diagnosis to death, and grieving. Through her 45 year career, in four different countries, she has helped both cancer patient and their medical staff to confront issues around pain and dying. On Monday evening, having practised in this field and research the topic, she will be sharing her thoughts. Ginny Dunn has written on issues that terminally ill patients confront (i.e. Alongside the Person in Pain: Holistic Care and Nursing Practice, 1994) and moved to Oxford in 1985 with her husband Nigel Biggar.

John Donne Words of Comfort and Confidence

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